Wood group (john) plc - director/pdmr shareholding, John wood group plc. notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with the m. 1 details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated a) name robin watson 2 reason for the notification a) position/status chief executive b) initial notification/amendment initial.

John wood - funeral plan sales manager - midcounties, John wood funeral plan sales manager midcounties -operative united kingdom 3 connections. join connect. midcounties -operative. report profile; . results driven, articulate -presented strategic sales professional, experience managerial director positions strong background wide range . John wood group plc rules wood employee share plan1, Approved shareholders john wood group plc 13 2015 amended board directors john wood group plc 14 november 2017 amended board directors john wood group plc 19 november 2018 expiry date: 13 2025 1 plan changed wood group employee share plan wood employee share plan 14 november 2017. John wood town plans – data foundry, John wood town plans. 62 records. marcxml. dublin core/xml. dataset represents complete descriptive metadata john wood’ town plan maps, digitised collection town plan maps scottish towns mapmaker john wood (1780-1747)..
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